Math Vocabulary
Math Vocabulary
- Related Fact ~ check work backwards forwards with opposite order of operation ex. 12-7=5, 5+7=12
- Sum ~ answer to a fact
- Regrouping ~ If there are 10 or more ones, regroup 10 ones as 1 ten.
- Make a Ten ~ Strategy taught using ten frame workmat and any manipulative (ex. circles) to add numbers to find sum; ex.8+4 fill ten frame with 8 circles, move 2 circles to make 10, & 2 more circles go outside workmat shows sum=12. (for use at home blue ten-frame workmat & fish counters were sent home)
- Count On to find Sums ~ Circle greater number & count on from that number; Strategy taught to tap lap or tap desk. Sum=Answer
- Doubles Facts ~ ex.7+7=14; Both numbers (addends) are the same in a Doubles Fact; Strategy, Doubles Rap
- Doubles + 1 Facts ~ ex.7+8=15 ~ One number (addend) is one more in a Doubles + 1 Fact; Strategy taught to circle smaller number, double it & add 1