Hello! My name is Mrs. Amy (Brutsche) Phillips, and I am your child's 2nd grade teacher for the 2024-2025 school year. This will be my 29th year teaching at NCS with my first 15 years teaching 1st grade and 14 years in 2nd grade. I attended St. Paul Elementary and am a St. Paul High School graduate. I received my Elementary Education degree (certified grades 1-8) from the University of Toledo.
My husband Tim and I are proud parents to our 3 wonderful grown children: Madison, Mitchel, and Malone. We became first time grandparents in April, 2023 to our sweet grandson, David Timothy and are excited to welcome another grandson in April. Our daughter Madison got married in 2022 to her husband Kevin Rospert. She is a 2014 graduate of St. Paul, 2018 graduate of Baldwin Wallace Univ. & 2020 graduate of Cleveland State Univ. Our son Mitchel is a 2017 graduate of St. Paul & a 2021 graduate of Bowling Green State Univ. Our daughter Malone is a 2023 graduate of St. Paul & is attending the Firelands Regional Medical Center School of Nursing with a graduation date of May, 2026.
My father, brother, and now children continue the family tradition of attending & graduating from St. Paul High School. Attending a Catholic School was very important to my parents and they were delighted that I was a teacher at Norwalk Catholic School. I am looking forward to a great year!
Specials Schedule ~
MONDAY ~ Gym 11:00-11:40 (only change tennis shoes-kept at school in bag)
TUESDAY ~ 9:30-10:10 (2)
Library 11:00-11:40
WEDNESDAY ~ Art 11:00-11:40
Atrium 12:50-1:50
THURSDAY ~ Rotation 10:30-11:00 Mass 1:30-2:30
FRIDAY ~ Music 11:00-11:40
Atrium 12:50-1:50
Daily Schedule ~
*SCHOOL HOURS ~ 8:45-3:15
*ARRIVAL ~ drop-off begins 8:00-8:20 at Convocation doors and students wait there to go to the classroom
*RECESS ~ 11:45-12:10
*LUNCH ~ 12:15-12:45
*DISMISSAL ~ pick-up at 3:15 outside Convocation doors - if change in plans please contact office or send note to teacher
Classroom Communications ~
*GOOGLE CLASSROOM ~ Class code: maau6ob
communication & assignments posted
*STUDENT EMAIL~Login:first name & first letter of last name35@ncsmail .org [email protected]
PASSWORD ~ birth month; birth date; graduation year ex.Apr202035
*NORWALK CATHOLIC APP ~ parents receive messages *please sign up*
*WEEKLY NEWSLETTER ~ sent home every Monday; webpage has information
*GOOGLE CALENDAR ~ on teacher webpage; assignments & important dates listed
*EMAIL ~ [email protected]
*RED TAKE HOME FOLDER ~ “Bring back to School/Leave at Home” helps stay organized-comes home daily
*POWERSCHOOL ~use your child’s Username & Password to check their grades online
*DAILY CONDUCT CHART ~ please include parent initials on conduct chart after checked and discussed behavior at home each day
*ACCELERATED READER ~ students are encouraged to participate in our Accelerated Reader Program-many take tests once their morning work is completed after arriving
*WATER BOTTLES ~ all students are encouraged to bring a filled water bottle (prefer pull top lids to prevent spills). Every night these will be sent home to be cleaned.
*BIRTHDAY ~ your child may bring in a birthday treat to celebrate with the class. (We encourage prepackaged treats at this time) If we have a student(s) in our class with a allergies (peanut, gluten, etc.) please be very careful when sending in birthday treats.) If your child has a summer birthday, a day will be set aside during the last two weeks of school to celebrate their birthday. Please only send birthday party invitations to school if everyone (all boys in our classroom or all girls in our classroom) are being invited. This avoids any hurt feelings.
Arrival to School ~
Procedure for leaving classroom ~
1. We take bathroom breaks in small groups throughout the day; children may ask permission to leave the classroom to take breaks on own when needed
2. If emergency, or sick ~ May leave without raising hand to ask permission to leave classroom
3. Hallway rules apply: walk, no talking & keep hands to themselves
Class policy for making up work ~
1. Homework can be sent home with siblings, neighbors, or friends
2. Parents may pick up homework from the office or classroom (prefer towards the end of school day if possible)
3. Child has the number of days they missed to get their work completed
Late work ~
1. Reminder Note will be sent home & work should be returned the next day
2. If the work is late a point will be deducted; in extreme cases work will need to be made up during free time, specials, or recess
Grading Policy ~
1. Grades taken on all tests and quizzes
2. Homework-Checked next day by teacher if completed
3. Reading grade affected if child doesn't complete nightly reading assignment for 10 minutes.
4. One point taken off for each misspelled word on tests with word bank. The word bank is there to copy the word from. Reminded to double check work.
5. Besides test scores I take grades on a several assignments done for homework and done in class so you may notice a change in your child’s grade online. At home students should utilize our Google Classroom and have fun reviewing the concepts we are learning each week. You can also review with your child the work we completed in class that day which is sent home in their folder. This should help prepare them for their upcoming tests.
Handwriting Policy ~
1. Always try to form letters correctly and write neatly & legibly
2. Use lines on Handwriting paper correctly to write letters (example: short letters ~ midline)
Nightly Homework ~
Testing Schedule ~
*Check Google Classroom/Calendar/Weekly Newsletter*
1. Each week there is a Spelling Test* given on Friday. Study words on Newsletter & our Google Classroom presentation has activities with our Spelling words.
2. Each week there is a Vocabulary Test* on Friday over Vocabulary terms and their meanings from our Reading story. Study terms & definitions on Newsletter and our Google Classroom presentation has Vocabulary and concepts focusing on.
3. Each week there is a Comprehension Test* on Friday over our Reading story that we read and discussed. Our story is in our Google Classroom presentation.
4. At the end of the Math Chapter students are assessed over the concepts taught. Our Google Classroom presentation has Math concepts we are focusing on.
Policy on Work ~
1. Always do your best! I tell my students ~ "There is no prize for being the first one to hand it in. The prize should be self-worth, how much effort you put into your work and if you feel you tried your best."
2. Take your time so there are not careless mistakes. Students are reminded numerously to double check their work before handing it in.
3. Complete work in a reasonable amount of time.
Policy on Respect ~
1. Respect your teachers, principal, playground supervisors, cafeteria workers, and all other adults who are in charge. Respect school property.
2. Respect all classmates and their property.
3. Be courteous and helpful to all you come in contact with. Look for Jesus in others.
Choose Kindness:Be a SuperPal ~
Our board reads ~ Together We Can Do Anything
We will work as Faithful Flyers to fill our jar. Choose Kindness:Be a SuperPal to others. Daily we will look for Joy, Kindnes, & Self-Control in our classroom.
*Do your personal best
*Take pride in your work
*Openness to new possibilities
*Treat others as you want to be treated
*Active learner
*Use materials as intended.
*Respect personal space
*Think before you act or speak
Behavior Expectations ~ Faithful Flyer ~ Joy ~ Kindness ~ Self-Control
The children learn a "good choice", "poor choice", "it is my choice" hand gesture. We discuss that it is “their choice” to make a “good choices” or “poor choices”. Behavior expectations & Conduct Chart are implemented. *Each child has a goal every day to keep their *Owl on GOOD CHOICE GREEN. If they have to move their Owl to YELLOW or RED they will work to try to move it back to GREEN before the end of the day. Every day is a new day, so their Owl will begin on GREEN.
*Please check your child's conduct chart in their folder so their behavior can be discussed that day & include parent initials on behavior chart daily.
To teach a child and watch them grow and learn is a blessing.
My husband Tim and I are proud parents to our 3 wonderful grown children: Madison, Mitchel, and Malone. We became first time grandparents in April, 2023 to our sweet grandson, David Timothy and are excited to welcome another grandson in April. Our daughter Madison got married in 2022 to her husband Kevin Rospert. She is a 2014 graduate of St. Paul, 2018 graduate of Baldwin Wallace Univ. & 2020 graduate of Cleveland State Univ. Our son Mitchel is a 2017 graduate of St. Paul & a 2021 graduate of Bowling Green State Univ. Our daughter Malone is a 2023 graduate of St. Paul & is attending the Firelands Regional Medical Center School of Nursing with a graduation date of May, 2026.
My father, brother, and now children continue the family tradition of attending & graduating from St. Paul High School. Attending a Catholic School was very important to my parents and they were delighted that I was a teacher at Norwalk Catholic School. I am looking forward to a great year!
Specials Schedule ~
MONDAY ~ Gym 11:00-11:40 (only change tennis shoes-kept at school in bag)
TUESDAY ~ 9:30-10:10 (2)
Library 11:00-11:40
WEDNESDAY ~ Art 11:00-11:40
Atrium 12:50-1:50
THURSDAY ~ Rotation 10:30-11:00 Mass 1:30-2:30
FRIDAY ~ Music 11:00-11:40
Atrium 12:50-1:50
Daily Schedule ~
*SCHOOL HOURS ~ 8:45-3:15
*ARRIVAL ~ drop-off begins 8:00-8:20 at Convocation doors and students wait there to go to the classroom
*RECESS ~ 11:45-12:10
*LUNCH ~ 12:15-12:45
*DISMISSAL ~ pick-up at 3:15 outside Convocation doors - if change in plans please contact office or send note to teacher
Classroom Communications ~
*GOOGLE CLASSROOM ~ Class code: maau6ob
communication & assignments posted
*STUDENT EMAIL~Login:first name & first letter of last name35@ncsmail .org [email protected]
PASSWORD ~ birth month; birth date; graduation year ex.Apr202035
*NORWALK CATHOLIC APP ~ parents receive messages *please sign up*
*WEEKLY NEWSLETTER ~ sent home every Monday; webpage has information
*GOOGLE CALENDAR ~ on teacher webpage; assignments & important dates listed
*EMAIL ~ [email protected]
*RED TAKE HOME FOLDER ~ “Bring back to School/Leave at Home” helps stay organized-comes home daily
*POWERSCHOOL ~use your child’s Username & Password to check their grades online
*DAILY CONDUCT CHART ~ please include parent initials on conduct chart after checked and discussed behavior at home each day
*ACCELERATED READER ~ students are encouraged to participate in our Accelerated Reader Program-many take tests once their morning work is completed after arriving
*WATER BOTTLES ~ all students are encouraged to bring a filled water bottle (prefer pull top lids to prevent spills). Every night these will be sent home to be cleaned.
*BIRTHDAY ~ your child may bring in a birthday treat to celebrate with the class. (We encourage prepackaged treats at this time) If we have a student(s) in our class with a allergies (peanut, gluten, etc.) please be very careful when sending in birthday treats.) If your child has a summer birthday, a day will be set aside during the last two weeks of school to celebrate their birthday. Please only send birthday party invitations to school if everyone (all boys in our classroom or all girls in our classroom) are being invited. This avoids any hurt feelings.
Arrival to School ~
- Empty & hang up book bag in hallway; then place personal belongings in desk
- Homework should be placed in the GREEN DONE basket.
- Lunch Count - Each morning students check in on smartboard with the teacher for attendance by moving their owl whether they are buying lunch or packing.
- Sharpen two pencils each morning
- Begin morning work. Morning Work is completed between 8:25-8:55. It is independent work that is used as an exercise to review concepts, introduce new concepts & get their minds moving in the morning. We look over these concepts, discuss the morning work as a whole group each morning, and work through their mistakes as we correct the work. After their morning work is finished students may use the bathroom, choose to take an AR test, play with their activity tub (play-doh/legos), read a book from their book box, or practice math flashcards.
- As a class, we will recite our Morning Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance after we have heard the morning announcements.
Procedure for leaving classroom ~
1. We take bathroom breaks in small groups throughout the day; children may ask permission to leave the classroom to take breaks on own when needed
2. If emergency, or sick ~ May leave without raising hand to ask permission to leave classroom
3. Hallway rules apply: walk, no talking & keep hands to themselves
Class policy for making up work ~
1. Homework can be sent home with siblings, neighbors, or friends
2. Parents may pick up homework from the office or classroom (prefer towards the end of school day if possible)
3. Child has the number of days they missed to get their work completed
Late work ~
1. Reminder Note will be sent home & work should be returned the next day
2. If the work is late a point will be deducted; in extreme cases work will need to be made up during free time, specials, or recess
Grading Policy ~
1. Grades taken on all tests and quizzes
2. Homework-Checked next day by teacher if completed
3. Reading grade affected if child doesn't complete nightly reading assignment for 10 minutes.
4. One point taken off for each misspelled word on tests with word bank. The word bank is there to copy the word from. Reminded to double check work.
5. Besides test scores I take grades on a several assignments done for homework and done in class so you may notice a change in your child’s grade online. At home students should utilize our Google Classroom and have fun reviewing the concepts we are learning each week. You can also review with your child the work we completed in class that day which is sent home in their folder. This should help prepare them for their upcoming tests.
Handwriting Policy ~
1. Always try to form letters correctly and write neatly & legibly
2. Use lines on Handwriting paper correctly to write letters (example: short letters ~ midline)
Nightly Homework ~
- I try to keep my Google Calendar updated with daily assignments. Students use a Red Take Home Folder labeled “Bring back to School/Leave at Home” to help stay organized. Their take home folder comes home every night.
- The students are assigned daily reading. Their reading is an assigned story from their Reading Book each evening UNLESS otherwise notified. This reading can be found in our weekly Google Classroom presentation.
- A Spelling/Math homework sheet is sent home at the beginning of every week and is expected to be returned by Thursday.
- Complete Daily Math Fact Practice: Students should practice +/- facts for 10 minutes each night. (Their Math practice can be with purchased flashcards (see supply list), computer websites (Mrs. Phillips' educational website) writing fact families, counting money & telling time (when we learn concepts), etc.
- There will never be homework on Friday.
- Homework should not last more than 30 minutes. Parents please check & initial your child's homework.
Testing Schedule ~
*Check Google Classroom/Calendar/Weekly Newsletter*
1. Each week there is a Spelling Test* given on Friday. Study words on Newsletter & our Google Classroom presentation has activities with our Spelling words.
2. Each week there is a Vocabulary Test* on Friday over Vocabulary terms and their meanings from our Reading story. Study terms & definitions on Newsletter and our Google Classroom presentation has Vocabulary and concepts focusing on.
3. Each week there is a Comprehension Test* on Friday over our Reading story that we read and discussed. Our story is in our Google Classroom presentation.
4. At the end of the Math Chapter students are assessed over the concepts taught. Our Google Classroom presentation has Math concepts we are focusing on.
Policy on Work ~
1. Always do your best! I tell my students ~ "There is no prize for being the first one to hand it in. The prize should be self-worth, how much effort you put into your work and if you feel you tried your best."
2. Take your time so there are not careless mistakes. Students are reminded numerously to double check their work before handing it in.
3. Complete work in a reasonable amount of time.
Policy on Respect ~
1. Respect your teachers, principal, playground supervisors, cafeteria workers, and all other adults who are in charge. Respect school property.
2. Respect all classmates and their property.
3. Be courteous and helpful to all you come in contact with. Look for Jesus in others.
Choose Kindness:Be a SuperPal ~
Our board reads ~ Together We Can Do Anything
We will work as Faithful Flyers to fill our jar. Choose Kindness:Be a SuperPal to others. Daily we will look for Joy, Kindnes, & Self-Control in our classroom.
*Do your personal best
*Take pride in your work
*Openness to new possibilities
*Treat others as you want to be treated
*Active learner
*Use materials as intended.
*Respect personal space
*Think before you act or speak
Behavior Expectations ~ Faithful Flyer ~ Joy ~ Kindness ~ Self-Control
The children learn a "good choice", "poor choice", "it is my choice" hand gesture. We discuss that it is “their choice” to make a “good choices” or “poor choices”. Behavior expectations & Conduct Chart are implemented. *Each child has a goal every day to keep their *Owl on GOOD CHOICE GREEN. If they have to move their Owl to YELLOW or RED they will work to try to move it back to GREEN before the end of the day. Every day is a new day, so their Owl will begin on GREEN.
*Please check your child's conduct chart in their folder so their behavior can be discussed that day & include parent initials on behavior chart daily.
To teach a child and watch them grow and learn is a blessing.